Rapunzel" is a classic German fairy tale in the collection assembled by the Brothers Grimm, and was first published in 1812 as a children’s fairytale. As discussed in class hair in fairytales can be seen as a symbol of femininity, strength, beauty, and sexuality. In the cartoon, Rapunzel's hair is the center of attraction. She is using her hair to attract men and trap them in the tower with her. In the cartoon, we see that Rapunzel is calling out to a Knight asking him to rescue her from the tower, as he’s climbing he realizes that it would be common sense to use her own hair to rescue herself. She then whispers “dammit” as she has failed to capture another man. In both the Grimm fairy tale and Disney's contaminated version Rapunzel's hair is used to ensure that there’s no way out and only one way up. In Disney’s “Tangled” the prince/ thief falls in love with Rapunzels almost immediately while in the cartoon version the knight is unimpressed and uninterested. W...