The original tale of “Hansel and Gretel” but the brothers Grimm is a rare and classic story, that is centered around siblings who will do anything to protect one another. In the fairytale, Hansel and Gretel are children of a poor woodcutter and his wife. As the days go by the woodcutter's wife begins to grow worried about starving to death. So the wife forces the husband to take his children into the forest and leave them there. However, Hansel being the conniving little boy he is overhears the conversation, collects stones/ pebbles that can be seen in the moonlight and places them inside his pockets for safe keeping. The next day the father takes them deep into the woods, as they walk deeper and deeper Hansel leaves a trail of the pebbles so that they are able to find their way back home. 

Nightfall comes and the father is nowhere in sight, Hansel and Gretel follow the stones out of forest and home. The wife is shocked and conjures another plan for the husband to take the children into the forest this time but instead of using stones/pebbles. Hansel uses pieces of his bread to lead the way back home. But what he didn't realize is that the bread was being eaten by the birds following them. Towards the end of the story, the witch was baked alive, the evil stepmother died, and they were left with a bunch of riches and jewels. 

In the MGM movie, there were some differences between the original tale and the MGM movie. One significant difference we notice is that in the original tale of Hansel and Gretel the wife was not the mother of Hansel and Gretel but in the movie she was portrayed as the mother. The director made this original change so that relationship can be more understanding and simply understandable by the audience. It also relinquishes the image of remarrying, and divorce which was not socially accepted at the time the movie was made. Another difference in the movie is that the mother never forced the father to take the children into the forest but instead made the children go pick so ber


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