From Fiction to Fantasy
In the film ”The Brothers Grimm” directed by Terry Gilliam, brothers Jake and Will voyage from village to village, posing as the infamous ghostbusters, but instead of ghosts, it's magical creatures that only exist through storytelling. In a particular scene that caught my eye was ” the bar scene” where Will and Jake were seen to be partying. Jake drinking and conversing with people Will had his eyes focused on more interesting things such as his own personal needs. Things start to go haywire when an intoxicated Jake begins to talk their schemed adventures. What's next is chaotic? And boom the French make an appearance. All hell breaks loose.
In discrepancy to the film, the book” The Brothers Grimm” by Jack Zipes, Wilhelm and Jacob are portrayed as studious scholars, who focused more on their work more than themselves. Since the deaf of their father and grandfather, they had to work harder to prove everyone wrong, to prove that they weren't just lower class nobodies they had to work up to their name. In the book it talked about how rigorous they studied ”in high school, the Grimms studied more than 12 hours a day and we're evidently bent on proving themselves to be the best students at the Lyzeum” (pg 5 zipes). They worked day and night to prove to any and everyone that social class should not be a definition of who a person is, it's how they perform. The movie and the book portray the Grimm brothers completely different, which shows their interpretation of how things really happened.
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